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New Year Priority Checklist

Are you preapared for 2022 ? Do you have specific goals you need to achieve but haven’t? Let me help you kick start some focus. The new year is an opportunity for you start with a clean slate on our yearly cycle. Set your greatest intentions that you are passionate about and success will follow.

  1. Clean and Protect your home

Cleanliness is next to Godliness! Not to be witchy but evil exists! There is nothing worse than a mess in your home and in your head. Grab some sage , salt, and vinegar to protect your home and repel bad energies. Don’t let bad energies kill your vibe - everything starts at home. This is also a great opportunity to donate some old items to charity and use the transaction as a tax write off!

2. Daft a Target Budget

No one is perfect you only need to make an approximation of your year expenditures. Income can be planned and organized to stay up to date on financial health. How much does your rent cost a month? How much is that as a percentage of your yearly income? Are you overspending on subscriptions? Eating out much? Put your self in check by following your budget week over week and month over month to reach your financial goals. Always remember to save first; anything counts.

3. Write Down Your Goals

If you don’t have a journal go buy one right now! Journaling helps you release built up emotion and hold yourself accountable to what you have written. After you write down your goals take a moment to develop the stepping stones it takes to get there. Each stepping stone symbolizes a step you need to reach your goal. Always prepare for your next stepping stone.

4. Let go of Last year ( or years after that)

Life has been odd lately and its put stress on many relationships. Mend those that are most important to you - yes that means being the bigger person and apologizing! Life is too short for petty drama or past drama. If it is trauma you are holding on to give yourself permission to heal and seek counseling. It has worked wonders for me mentally. Mental health is very important in 2022 - keep yours in tip top shape.

5. Make plans to learn something new

Everyone is different when it comes to goals and aspirations but knowledge reigns supreme. Many certificates, licenses, degrees, and educational programs exist to give you a competitive edge. School may not be your thing and I understand that too. Maybe you want to learn how to make your own bath products, learn more about constructing cars, or learn how to cook - all are great ideas! Put this plan in motion by making yourself available at the right place at the right time.

6. Health is wealth - get a check up

Early detection is the best fighter of disease. Go to your yearly exams and participate in wellness activities year round that will keep you in shape. You can always use the wellness activity as bonding time with someone close to you. Stress relief is very important during the times we are in.

As we enter a new year I am so proud of all you and what you have accomplished thus far. You are never given more than you can handle so I know next year will be better for you. You deserve to expand!

Have a Happy New Year,

Alexis C. Williams